Friday, April 6, 2012

Crazy Relationship

Guest post by Jewel Cole

I know my sister has Directv, so I called to see what the direct tv local channels were like. I don’t know where I heard it, but someone told me that Directv didn’t have the same ones as cable. I thought the question was simple enough, and that we would talk for a few minutes and that would be it. I didn’t know that my sister was mad at me for not splitting our mom’s birthday present with her. I wish she would have called me and told me, instead of waiting for me to call her for something completely boring and routine and then freak out on me. Sometimes she is so weird. I feel bad that our relationship isn’t better, because I’d like for our kids to see more of each other. If she keeps on acting like this though, it’s never going to happen. I never know when she is going to freak out on me, so making plans with her is too stressful. I have tried to be honest with her about how I feel about her behavior, but she is very stubborn and thinks she is right.

Friday, March 2, 2012

First move

Thanks for the article from Rubin Osborne
I have always lived in the same house all of my life. I have never liked change and I just do not handle it very well. However, you can’t always get what you want and due to unforeseen circumstances, I am moving. I have never been more afraid of something in my entire life. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go. I am freaking out. I called my friend to get some much needed advice. I am so lucky to have the friends I do. She helped me find a new place. She helped me sign up for water, cable and got a great electricity rate from Texas Electricity Providers. I am sure she wondered how I lived on my own, but I just would always keep things the same. Once I set up my utilities they would stay the same and once I found what I liked it would stay the same. I am slowly getting used to all of this change, but I can’t lie, it has been tough.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blog Marketing for Money

Blog Marketing For Money

Blog marketing is something that most everyone is doing that owns a blog. You are going to find that many of them are blogging for money, and many are not. The numbers really vary and depend on what you are looking at. If you are wanting a home business that consists of blog marketing, then you would be blogging for money. However, if you just have a blog that you use to write your thoughts and journal more or less, you are probably not blogging for money. Everyone blogs for a different reason.

Blog marketing to make money means that you are simply blogging for a profit. If you are going to make an amount of money that will add up to become anything, you need to be persistent, and consistent. To do so there are some things as well as techniques and tools that you must know and know how to use. Keep reading for more to make money online.

While good content is something that you will need for your blog to make money, you also want to ensure that it is original content as well. You can market a blog with something that is copied and that you do not own the rights. Plagiarism will get you in trouble with Google as well as the person that originally wrote the content. Be sure that all of your posts are ones that only you own the rights too. This is a great thing to know and do when you are marketing your blog to make money. Content is the key to successful marketing lately.

Tracking is another part of blog marketing for money that is so very important. You want to be able to track your visitors and clickers to know where they are coming from. You want to be able to tell what keywords they searched on to find your blog and where they did their searching. Doing so will help take out all of the guess work when it comes to blog marketing and making money while blogging. You will want to know what keywords are working, and which are not. So that you will know which keywords to use more of and which ones to drop.

Another thing that is important when you are blog marketing for money is to find other sites and blogs that are in the same market as yours, but not in direct competition with you to exchange links with. This will help you out a lot as well, especially if you can get some good exchanges with high authority sites. The higher the page rank of your link exchange, the better for your blog. Google and the other search engines will recognize your link exchanges, and the more the better in this case.

Blog marketing for money can be done. You just simply have to know what works and what does not. It is truly a trial and error basis. If you think you might know of a new way to market your blog the most effectively, try it! You just never know if it will work for you until you do. Then if you find something that works and works well, consider making it in to an ebook and marketing that as well. You will have the know how, it is just a matter of using it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Choosing the Right Tools

Choosing The Right Tools

In blogging, using the correct blog software tools can
help you manage the goings-on of your blog. When it
comes to publishing your blog content, there are two
kinds of blog software tools that you can use, such
as: the server-based tools and the client-based tools.
Both of them have their own advantages and
disadvantages and it is up to you to choose the one
that is right for your blog.

The Client-based Tools

One of the two blog software tools that you can choose
from is the client-based tools. These tools’ purpose
is to aid you with publishing your blog and they are
normally installed on your computer and also run from
there. Additionally, client-based tools are also
categorized as small blogs that are able to run from
your hard drive.

Client-based tools also have text editors that allow
you to perform word processing applications from your
own computer. Thus, a text blog editor enables you to
create and publish your own content at the comfort of
your own desktop.

Obviously, the first advantage of using client-based
tools, like the text editor, is convenience. Most
bloggers choose to publish their work with a desktop
tool rather than a Web browser, which entails logging
into the blog software’s control panel and accessing
the Web-based text editor.

Additionally, client-based tools can be managed either
locally or remotely. Such tools can allow you to
manage and edit your posts remotely. More so, the
content of your blog can also be managed locally by
saving drafts to a local computer. These can be very
beneficial to those with limited Internet connection
since accessing and managing the content of your blog
remotely and locally can be done without the need of
being connected to the Internet.

Lastly, you can manage multiple blogs through the use
of client-based tools. If by any chance you are
publishing more than one blog, it might be easier if
you consider using a blog editor. The blog editor can
be easily configured to manage all your blogs. You
only have to enter the same information that you use
to log in into your server tool combined with the
particular kind of server software you are using and
the blog editor can save that information in its

The Server-based Tools

Another kind of blog software tool that you can choose
from is the server-based tools. There are two
varieties of such tools: blog hosting service provider
tools and server-based publishing tools.
The first variety is automatically provided by your
blog hosting service provider. Hosted blog software
tools are very easy to use and you do not have to
install any software or manage any configuration too
difficult to comprehend. These kinds of tools can help
you focus on publishing your content.

With the use of hosted software tools, you are also
provided with an assortment of design templates. These
can help you in choosing the desired layout that suits
your blog. More so, the layouts can be easily
customized, including the fonts, columns, colors, etc.
On the other hand, publishing tools you install on the
server has the advantage of giving you the level of
customization and control you need over the
configuration settings. Through the use of these kinds
of server-based tools, you can decide how much storage
space you allocate, extend the features of your blog
through plug-ins or add-ins and make custom layouts
and pages.

All About the Traffic

All About the Traffic

Traffic only means that the content is not that good.
However, there are also instances wherein a great blog
does not have enough traffic. The key in getting
traffic is to come up with a strategy and make
everyone notice your blog. There are a few things that
you need to consider with regards to generating
traffic to your blog and these are not that different
from planning a regular Web site.

The only exception is that blogs can generate traffic
a lot faster. What you only need to consider first is
your target audience and where exactly you are
generating your blog’s traffic.

The Content

The content of your blog is very important. It is the
reason why people visit your blog. Try to make your
blog interesting and learn to master the ideas
included in your blog. The content should also be
relevant and of high value to the audience. Find out
what your audience wants and if what you are writing
satisfy them.

The content is especially important if you are
planning sales from your blog. Firstly, you must
become a trust-worthy and credible source of
information before people try the product. Blogs are
excellent medium for sales since they allow you to
connect and converse through the use of the content.
You must realize that without a great content, your
blog cannot fully achieve power and leverage against

In order to gain audience for your content, remember
not to publish infrequently. Additionally, do not
criticize others if you do not have facts to support
your claim and references for those facts. If you
criticize, do it in an objective non-personal manner.
What you can do is to publish often and make sure that
the entry you are about to publish is meaningful and
of high-value. Lastly, be yourself to help your
audience relate to you but do not reveal any private

The Ping

Some bloggers take the extra mile just to ping and do
not solely rely on the blog software pings. The blog
software pings’ job is to update the servers for the
purpose of announcing your content updates. Search
engines and blog directories then checks these update
servers for the latest updates; this is the reason why
your blog’s content gets into search engines quickly.
Pings make blogs excellent search engine optimization
tools. There are even instances where it only takes a
day before your content gets into search engines.
However, your blog’s content will only take hours to a
few days to get into most search engines, on average.
When starting a blog, always check the instructions
included. There might be section wherein you can turn
on the blog software ping automatically, which
activates on the background. By doing so, whenever you
publish content in your blog, it will instantly
transmit ping updates.

RSS feeds are also important. Not only will you be
able to publish your content within a short duration
but also replicate your content through the use of
your RSS feed. Nowadays, the flow of your content is
real-time and the RSS allows you to show your content
to a wider audience.

There are several ways to promote your blog. However,
keep in mind that there is no strategy for quick money
when it comes to profitable blogging. It requires
dedication, time, a strategy for the content and
patience before the cash starts flowing in.

How to Plan Your Blog

How to Plan Your Blog

The basics of blogging cover all the basic essentials,
including your writing style, blog category and the
content of your blog. Planning your blog can be
difficult if you do not know what you want to talk
about. It could be extra hard if you do not have the
necessary background in blogging. However, knowing
what you want to blog about can easily come to you
once you start browsing and poking around other blogs.
You can pick ideas from those blogs, expound and make
them the basis of your blog.

The Blogging Categories

Generally, there are several types of blogs.
Nevertheless, there are three popular categories of
blogs, such as: the organizational, business and
personal blogs.

The first category, the organization, uses the power
of blogs to communicate either externally with the
public or internally within their organizations. This
kind of blog has the purpose of facilitation internal
communications amongst employees, colleagues and other
organizational personnel. In addition, organizational
blogs normally publish information that is of interest
by the public. In a certain instance, there are
organizational blogs that publish seminar schedules,
meetings, and announcements for their clients,
customers or members.

The business blogs, on the other hand, are for
promoting services or products offered by businesses
in order to help increase profits, revenue and
interest of potential consumers. These kinds of blogs
can look for ways to increase their reputation and
authority with vendors, customers and partners. They
do this by publishing contents that express expertise
and knowledge within a specific market portion, niche
or industry.

The personal blogs are those that contain contents
that are more of a reflection of bloggers’ opinions
and thoughts. Normally, they are used to publish
articles that voice their points of view on several
kinds and varieties of events and topics. Bloggers who
publish personal contents usually find pleasure in
documenting their everyday lives, stream of
consciousness and even their hate to specific events
through articles that reflects their moods.

The Target Audience

Your target audience and blogging style comes hand in
hand. The moment you think of creating your own blog,
you must first realize what your target audience is;
you must know what they want, need and desire to read
about. The blog you create and the contents you
publish must provide quality and value to the readers
in order to be effective in establishing communication
and expanding readership.

More so, the kind of blog you want to create
essentially creates its own target audience. For
instance, an organizational blog is meant for those
who are members or clients of a certain organization.
Although the target audience may be limited, there is
a good chance for consistency with regards to the
dialogue you create with your readers and eventually
more people would be interested in your blog.
The mentioned personal blogs are not normally designed
for social dialogue with a certain target readership
of any category and is rather meant to serve as a
collection of your musings. These kinds of blogs are
best reserved to your close friends and they are your
target audience.

If you identify your target audience successfully,
your messages that you want everyone to know about
will be effectively targeted. Some of the greatest
joys of blogging come from the use of your enthusiasm
in publishing signification information for a
community where there is a free exchange of opinions
between the readers and you.

How to Profit From a Blog

How to Profit From a Blog

Blogs can be for profit or non-profit but most
bloggers blog for the purpose of making money. There
may be some contents published to simply provide an
outlet for voicing out the bloggers’ opinions and
share their thoughts. However, the general population
of bloggers has the intention of profiting
financially. Fortunately, there are several methods of
profiting from a blog and applying these methods can
help you gain money.

The Advertisements

Selling space for advertisers is one of the most
common ways to profit from a blog. Since blogs that
have a considerable amount of traffic can make income
with ad sales, make sure that you have a target
audience. The reason why bloggers choose to sell
advertising is that it is a passive form of income
once the traffic has progressed. Although it takes
work to look for advertisers and maintain the ads on
the blog, those who can achieve it can gain reasonable
amount of money with the ads.

Compared to other forms of profiting from a blog,
selling advertisement space can be one of the most
consistent revenue streams. If you are able to
maintain your ad slots filled, you should have a very
good idea of just how much you can make every month.
On the negative side, selling ads requires you to have
some kind of established traffic. Traffic is important
because it draws interest from potential advertisers.
You might find it hard to sell an ad space without
traffic and it will most likely not produce much
revenue. Additionally, the blog must have a target
audience in order to achieve the maximum amount of
cash for advertisement space. Remember that
advertisers are more likely to pay if your target
audience is a match to theirs.

Affiliate programs are also a major resource of
profits for several bloggers. Affiliate programs are
excellent in a sense that they enable you to have the
opportunity to make money even if your blog has a
small audience. However, one bad side to affiliate
programs is that there can be instances where you
cannot make any money at all.

Newly created blogs feature affiliate ads most of the
time compared to selling space directly to
advertisers. Since selling ads is hard to do without
much traffic, affiliate programs are perfect for new
blogs. More so, they can be easily maintained and only
take very little time.

Promoting and Premium Content

Bloggers who are service providers at the same time
have an excellent opportunity to look for clients and
increase their rates. Maintaining a blog that focuses
on your area of expertise can help you easily become a
recognized authority in your field. Additionally, it
can aid potential clients to find you. You can also
benefit from the increase in demand of your services
and improved reputation that you build, which enable
you to charge more for your services.

Aside from promoting your services, selling premium
contents are also excellent ways to profit from a
blog. Blogs are a massive source of information and
remember that not everything has to be free. There are
bloggers and business that attained success by selling
some of their work. There are blogs that sell
memberships on their Web sites. Although selling
premium content is possible in any field, you must
have the capability to give something to the reader
that is worth paying for.

Helpful Tips For Corporate Blogging

Helpful Tips For Corporate Blogging

Blogs are massive resources of information from both
inside and outside companies. Businessmen survive the
world of blogging because they know how and where to
dig information while protecting their own secrets.
Although blogging can be risky world for businesses,
there are several helpful tips that can help bring
success to corporate blogging.

The Important of Training

It is important to make sure the members of the
communications team. In the past, this team was
composed of a small group. However, with the advent of
blogging, everyone who blogs at the company is
spreading a specific message about the company. People
who handle the blogging for the company must be
trained to avoid any spill of unnecessary information.
If by accident, important information regarding the
company has been disclosed, this can put the company
under the watchful eyes of the regulators. More so,
inappropriate leaks can provide competitors with
leverage and may lead to embarrassing revelations
about the inner workings of the company and its staff.
Although the usual action to be taken is to restrict
employees from blogging, this can be a shortsighted
decision. Bloggers from within the company can easily
relate and make contact with potential clients and
even enhance the brand of the company.

The Fake Blogs

Several, if not all, companies are eager to establish
one-on-one links with their consumers, though they are
often hesitant to venture in the world of blogging. As
a result, they set up fake blogs. Fake blogs are those
that are created by marketing departments of the
company in order to promote a product, brand or
service using a fake name or character.
These kinds of blogs are risky since several bloggers
who are passionate about what they do view them as an
insult to the blogging community and no one can deny
the fact that these blogs are very visible to the

Although there are no rules prohibiting a company from
making pseudo-blogs, the subject of creating one is
always welcome. Always keep in mind that you can
choose to create fake blogs but remember all the risks

Blog Tracking

Tracking blogs is one of the easiest and most
important tips to remember. Firstly, the company can
look around online and search for the most influential
blogger who writes about their products or services.
Remember to read the blogger’s updates everyday and
perform an automated tracking of discussions.
Tracking blogs is important because even those
postings from small-time bloggers can be selected by
search engines, strengthened by a well-known blogger
and ultimately hit the mainstream.

The Public Relations

Blogs have the ability to break down barriers between
the company and its customers. It is important for
businesses to take that into consideration and adjust.
There are several companies that start blog in order
to attain customer loyalty and address the customers’
concerns and comments. Relating to the customers is a
vital factor in the survival of a business. Knowing
what the customers think about the products or
services can help enhance the company’s services.

The Company’s Secrets

Take into consideration one secret or secrets that you
have kept at your company. Be it a list of projects
for the following year or information about scandalous
activities, there are several things that you must
learn no to leak to your competitors.
In blogging, there is a certainty that you must
rethink about something that you are trying to avoid,
for that fact that other companies are increasingly
sharing information to win new partners and generate
new ideas. Although this does not mean that they are
not keeping any secrets from you or that you must not
keep any from them, it is important to reevaluate
whether you can gain more out of sharing details than
keep them to yourself.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

All bloggers know that a well-written, entertaining
and focused blog can generate huge volumes of traffic
from visitors. This is one of the basic learnings in
blogging: blogs should be focused and centered on a
topic and other related issues.

Search engine marketing is simply the process of
getting your blog and its content sufficiently high
ranking in several search engines for your keywords.
This would enable your content to generate more
visitors to your site from SERPs or Search Engine
Results Pages. Attention-grabbing content titles and
sites help users to feel compelled to click on your
link in the search engine results pages and eventually
visit you.

Additionally, search engine marketing needs a Web site
that is optimized for search engines. Normally, this
is a Web site that can display a configuration setting
that makes it look interesting to search engine
spiders. In turn, the spiders will visit the site and
look at your content. After doing this, the spiders
then pick up significant keywords, which determine the
characteristic of your page. Lastly, the content
returns to the search engines for the purpose of being

Enhancing Search Engine Marketing

Nowadays, blogs are making tons of small news Web
sites or mini content centers that contain significant
information and links. Compared in the past, search
engines visit major news Web sites since they were the
ones who were the ultimate sources for the newest
content to be found online. Blogs have outpaced
several media outlets online due to their capability
to deliver and publish fresh information to the public

The key in getting noticed more by the search engines
is to publish faster. Since search engines looks for
the freshest, high value and relevant information, it
is important for you to publish frequently. This would
get your blog more visits from major search engines
and others.

Blogs have a natural relationship with search engines.
Since blogs are natural search engine magnets, the
search engine spiders will visit your blog often if
they detect an update from it. In addition, the
content of your blog does not have to wait for months
before getting into search engine result pages but
instead, your content will be displayed in a matter of
hours or days.

It is important to know how much the search engine can
do for your blog. Blogs should be frequently updated
to allow the search engine spider to visit you often,
since they are normally programmed to visit your blog
as often as you publish fresh contents.

Reasons Why Blogs Rank Well in Search Results

Firsly, blogs are designed to meet the demands for
search traffic and search engines. Blogs are also
highy significant in their niches and are considered
as the best sources of the most up-to-date information
online. More so, blogs can be keyword optimized.
Keyword optimization helps blogs achieve high rankings
in search engine results. Additionally, wisely
distributing the keywords evenly on the content can
also help your blog rank easily on search engine

Compared to Web sites, blogs are also text-rich
publishing tools. This only means that the code used
by blogs is light weight. This makes your blog’s
content highly visible to search engines. Search
engine spiders can visit your blog frequently and
crawl over your content faster because of greater
clarity. This clarity provides a vivid interpretation
of what the content of your blog is all about

The Basics of Blogging

The Basics of Blogging

With the advent of internet marketing, Web publishing
is continually gaining ground and popularity.
Nowadays, technologically savvy corporate businessmen,
or even business employees, use blogs to build and
manage relationships with their consumers. They share
their company’s expertise, culture and other
information, which can help develop the customer’s
interest in their products and services.
On the other hand, not only do businessmen venture in
the world of blogging but regular computer users too.
Not only can they voice out their opinions and
thoughts to others but also earn money in more ways
than one; from selling ad space to offering expert
services, which in turn builds their reputation as a

If you are thinking of entering the blogsphere, you
must be ready of the problems you might encounter in
several areas of blogging, such as: choosing,
installing and configuring your blog software tools.
Although the collection and assortment of
configurations vary widely, a neophyte blogger can
still get confused. The tools are not the only
obstacles you must overcome but also the terminologies
used for blogging.

Tools for Blogging

Basically, the software tools for your blog greatly
depend on your provider. For instance, the RSS
functionality can be absent from one provider but
present in another. Additionally, some blog software
tool providers can cost as low as $4 each month
depending on the extent of service you choose, while
others can be used for free but with limited services.
Choosing the right software tool depends on you. If
you have enough cash to spare for a blog or if you
want to really get serious with a blog and hope to
earn cash in the future, which is always a
possibility, you have the option of choosing priced
blog software tools. However, if you are a newbie
blogger, it might be advisable to start with free blog
software tool providers.

Fortunately, some providers that charge for their
services also offer free trial periods, which range
from 10 to 30 days. This is an excellent opportunity
to try and test out the services they offer without
paying any fee. Luckily, if you find a provider that
you are comfortable with and offer the services you
need, you can always use their free trial periods to
the full extent before subscribing.

Blogging Terminologies

Blogging is like a secret society and like most secret
societies; it has its own language that you must
learn. Although, technologically savvy individuals an
easily familiarize themselves with these terms, it
might be hard for those who have limited or no
background with Web publishing whatsoever.
Firstly, the most important term in blogging is Post.
A post happens every time you place or publish an
update to your blog; you also create a post this way.
Secondly, since blogs are a means of communication,
comments are also possible. If your audience leaves a
message regarding your published content, this message
is referred to as a comment. Normally, the comments
are labeled and time-stamped to allow you and other
readers to see who posted the comment and when it was

Comment spams, is also a term that happen when a
single reader continuously repeats the same comment
over and over again. This can be a headache for the
blogger as the blog can be used by the reader to
promote other blogs or Web site.
These are just some of the few terms that you can
encounter in blogging. Only exploration and experience
can help you understand the other terminologies
involved in blogging.

The Benefits of the Blog Types

The Benefits of the Blog Types

In blogging, you are not limited into one type of
blogging type. In fact, there are several types of
blogs. No matter what type bloggers use, they publish
content around topics and issues that they feel
passionate about. For instance, several bloggers write
about politics, others for pet care and some for
personal computers. However, blogs that are business
oriented are often focused into a single topic for the
fact that they need to emphasize their services or

Blogs can cover a wide range of topics. Because of
this versatility, several people are starting to blog.
Not only can they express what they feel or advertise
their products or services, they can also earn cash.
Blogs are new methods of earning income at the comfort
of your own home. However, that is just the icing on
the cake since blogging can bring lots of joy to
several bloggers for that fact that they can share
their opinions and thoughts to others and receive
advise from them or vice versa.

Blogging for Business

Several businesses are exploring the world of
blogging. This is an excellent opportunity for them
since blogging is a great medium of communication.
Additionally, business oriented blogs can benefit from
the search engine optimization advantage, which is the
biggest leverage of blogging.

If the business has a Web site that promotes a product
or service, any type of content that the business use
as the vehicle to drive the business or commerce to
another level require a blog. Blogs are very useful
because they are text-based and light weight, with
regards to the code used, compared to traditional Web
site content. This only means that blogs minimize the
crawl time of search engine spiders and allow them to
retrieve more information about the page to the search
directories a lot faster.

More so, blogs are dynamic because they can be updated
frequently. By frequently publishing contents for the
blog, the search engine spiders visit more often. The
result is that the blog can have more pages being sent
over the search engines compared to the business’s
opponents. This is very good indeed if the competitor
is the one who has a static Web site. This also
provides the blogging business an opportunity to reach
out to more potential customers, thus possibly
increasing their revenue.

Blogging for Personal Use

Normally, personal blogs have the characteristics of
being exciting, interesting and enjoyable. Bloggers
blogging for personal reasons have the purpose of
keeping their friends and family updated about their
lives and activities. Many bloggers find comfort in
blogging personal contents. Additionally, if you
create a personal blog, you are open to the idea of
sharing your interest with other people who might
visit your blog.

Like any other blogs, personal blogs can be
incorporated with photos, videos and other multimedia
elements. You can create a personal blog about
anything that you feel passionate about. There are
even personal blogs with contents regarding products
that the blogger is really interested in. This
provides the businesses ideas about the preferences of
their customers. This only proves that blogs also work
in synergy.

Blogs are very easy to use content management systems,
which allow you to publish articles right away and in
real-time. These platforms for communication unravel
new opportunities to connect with others both in a
personal or professional manner.

Writing and Publishing Your First Blog Entry

Writing and Publishing Your First Blog Entry

The content of your blog is an important factor in
gaining traffic and acquiring a target audience.
Publishing your first article or item is a great
milestone in your blogging career. Fortunately, there
are several basic guidelines, which can make your
content more effective to your audience, adored by the
search engines and respected by the world of blogging.

Publishing an Effective Content

Before you begin to write anything on your blog, you
should know who your target audience is and what they
want. If you see these factors as irrelevant for your
blog because your blog is not business oriented in any
way, you must remember that if you want readers then
these factors are really relevant.

Always remember that where there are readers there is
something interesting to read. The only reason why
people read is because they want something. If you
really want to achieve some kind of massive
readership, you must strive to make your content
interesting and actually what readers want.
First of all, keep in mind that communication is the
key. More so, your communication must be authentic.
The time when you publish your content is also the
time when you let your true self surface. Blogs are
personal in nature and communication is the key to
being personal. The fact that each blog is unique
because each writer is unique is enough for you to not
to worry about future similarities with other blog
entries. Keep in mind that whatever topic you are
blogging about you must incorporate your personality
with your writing.

In order to create a loyal target audience, it is
important for the visitors to trust you and relate to
you. It does not necessarily entail that they know
about your personal details but you must connect with
your audience in an authentic manner.
After establishing your communication with your
audience, the content must also be credible. The blog
must have authenticity even though credibility takes a
lot of time to build.

The moment you begin publishing your content, which is
of high value and useful to the readers, you also
start establishing your authority. There will come a
time when your readers ask you for advice or seek for
your opinion; this is the time when you have achieved
some kind of credibility and you must use this to
build your reputation as a blogger.

The Blogger’s Block

Blogging is writing but uses a different medium. There
are several methods to fight blogger’s block. Always
remember that your blog software exists to serve you
and not to frighten you. You do not have to try
blogging carrying the idea that you have prolific
writing skills, or a journalism degree. The fact is
that you have something to say and you want others to
hear it. However, if you are feeling stuck on an idea,
there are several suggestions that you can apply when
creating the content for your blog.

Firstly, you can try visiting other blogs. Visit those
blogs that interest you and pick ideas and topics from
those blogs that might be worth blogging about but
keep in mind the relevance of the topic and your
readership. You can also syndicate your news updates.
You can do this by subscribing to news services online
because they allow you to save time on searching using
keywords. This is most useful for bloggers.

Why You Should Blog

Why You Should Blog

Many people are getting into blogging for several
reasons. You might have heard it somewhere recently
but it actually started more than a decade ago from
its mother, the online diary. Back then, these kinds
of diaries are used by people to record and share
accounts of their personal lives. Although blogging
still uses that same concept, it has now evolved into
several categories and usage.

Nowadays, blogging is synonymous to online marketing.
Bloggers not only publish contents reflecting their
moods for the day or sharing what they have done for
the past few weeks but also advertise and create a
sturdy communication with their audience. More so,
through the use of blogging, people are now able to
find an alternative in making money. Blogging is an
excellent opportunity for generating income.

The Blog

Before you even start to create you own blog. It is
necessary to know what blog really is. The term blog
is actually derived from the word Weblog or Web log.
Back in the days, around the late 1990’s, these Web
logs are utilized by users to track updates and
references to other resources online. They served as
journals, which made them useful as a publishing tool
for the user’s stream of consciousness. Of course, the
readers can still comment and share their thoughts on
just abut anything under the sun.

Technically, blogs are also known as CMS or Content
Management Systems. Being a CMS, blogs allow the
writers to easily publish to a specific Web site and
manage the content without the need of having to deal
with the program code. Publishing software also
provides users with a GUI or Graphical User Interface
for easy pointing and clicking of their articles.
Through the use of easy-to-do procedures, you can
perform configuration and set up, which can ease your
job as a blogger since the tool can automatically
organize your published articles the next time you

The Advantage of Blogging

The main question is; why should you start blogging?
The first thing you need to know is that blogging can
enhance and support your online communications.
However, you must first understand the outcome of your
blog that you desire in order to attain success. The
main reason why you should start blogging, is that it
can be both an excellent outlet for your frustrations
or excitement and profitable at the same time.
It does not mean that if you are not into blogging,
you should not blog. Being in a business, especially
those with dealings on the Internet, requires you to
establish a clientele that are actually interested
with your services. Blogs can do this easily due to
its accessibility and being an excellent medium for
marketing that it is, blogs are essential for

More so, if you are handling a business, there is good
chance that your competition is blogging about their
products and services. This is an easy method for you
to examine the competition and what their clients’
preferences are. Additionally, blogs can create strong
customer relationships since your target market can
easily and directly communicate with the authority
within your business.
This kind of opportunity is hard to resist since a
strong customer relationship can eventually lead to
lasting trust to your product and services; hence,
eventual increase in your revenue.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Got it

Got it

Thanks for the article from Isaiah Gaines

I’ve got a Cincinnati home security system at my house and the kids keep setting it off. I don’t think they’re trying to sneak out because they’re only 8 and 10 but I put them down to bed and not 2 hours later they’re up at one of the doors or windows trying to get it open! I don’t know what’s gotten into them and I’ve been trying to work with my husband to get it all under control but you know, I guess it’s not the worst thing to deal with this now rather than when they’re 16. If they had boyfriends or something I would be worried but I think they’re just being kids and getting into mischief like kids tend to do and it’s really hard to get mad at them for that, you know what I mean? I love my children but sometimes they push my buttons too far when I’m at home – guess that’s what I get for being a stay at home mom!