Guest Post by Robbie Abed - Check him out over at
I admit it. I'm a Wordpress addict. It started off a simple blogging platform but was extended to become much more than that. I utilized so I can install it on my own server and use it for my own unique domain name.
There are several reasons why I love wordpress:
1) The installation process is seriously simple. They say it takes 5 minutes from start to finish, and I would argue that it is probably 2 minutes.
2) The wonderful amount of wordpress plugins. The plugin ecosystem is similar to the iPhone development ecosystem except there are no approvals needed form wordpress. Anything you ever imagined doing on a blog is done for you once you install the plugin
3) It's stable. I almost never have any issues with it.
4) The dashboard is easy to use. Although i'm a tech junkie, I have found that other newbies can pick the interface up really quick
5) It's search engine friendly. Friendly is probably a loose term to use. It's search engine's best friend. Through the use of plugins SEO / SEM is mind numbingly easy! It helps you to make money online.
6) Themes - You can download themes directly from wordpress or do a simple google search and you will find beautiful themes that are free to download and some premium theme's that you have to pay for.